Monday, October 18, 2010


Telenovela Script
A Telenovela is a mock Spanish soap opera.  We divided into groups and wrote our own stories.  Our story is about a pregnant girl that has no idea who the father is.  Our story is full of drama and love.

Escena #1/Chachi y Juan y Alejandro/Jenna Brooks
Int./la cafatería de escuela/día
Chachi: Alicia Armstrong
Juan: Zack Dowd
Alejandro: Nathan Stilwell
Descripcion visual de la escena
Chachi y Juan están comiendo juntos y después Chachi  sale con Alijandro.
Juan (nervioso) - Hola Chachi, tú estás bonita.-
Chachi (feliz) -Hola Juan, gracias.-
Juan -¿Cómo estás?-
Chachi -¿Muy bien y tú?-
Juan -Bien, bien.-
Chachi -Yo tengo que ir al baño-
Chachi se levanta y camina afuera. Ella camina por Alijandro y le da una nota. Ella regresa a Juan.
Chachi(triste) -Yo tengo que ir.-
Juan(triste) -¿Por qué?-
Chachi -Por qué mi madre está loca. Ella quiere qué estoy en casa.-
Juan(muy triste) -Buenas noches Chachi.-
Chachi(triste) -Adios Juan.-
Chachi camina afuera y entra en el carro de Alejandro.
Alejandro(Feliz) -Hola chica.-
Chachi(Feliz) -Vamanos Alejandro.-
se van.
Escena #2/Estoy Embrazada/Alicia Armstrong
Int./Casa de Jerrica/día
Personajes/ actores
Chachi: Alicia Armstrong
Rosio: Jenna Brooks
Descripcion visual de la escena
Sueña el teléfono.
Rosio (normal) -¿Hola?-
Chachi (preocupada) -¡Rosio! Estoy Embarazada!-
Rosio (sorprendida) -¡Ay dios mío! ¿Estas segura?-
Chachi (preocupada) -Estoy segura de que puedo sentir patadas.-
Rosio (ansiosa) -Voy ahorita misma.-
Chachi (preocupada) -¡Rápida! ¡Rápida!-
Toca la puerta.
Chachi (preocupada) -Pásele.-
Rosio (sorprendida) -Chachi, ¿qué vas a hacer?-
Chachi (preocupada) -No sé.-
Rosio (sorprendida)- ¿Has dicho a tu madre?-
Chachi (preocupada)- No.-
Rosio (calma) - Así,¿quien es el padre?-
Chachi (preocupada)-No sé.-
Rosio (surprendida)-Ay dios mio Chachi, vamos a decir a tu madre.-
Rosio (ansiosa)-¡Vamos!-
        Chachi y Rosio salen la escena.

Esceña #3/ La Confrontación/Zack Dowd
Int./En la cocina/ dia
Chachi: Alicia Armstrong
Margarita: Jerrica Crosby
Rosio: Jenna Brooks
Descripcion visual de la escena
Chachi hace frente a Margarita sobre el bebe.
Chachi -Hola mi madre.-
Margarita -Guau. Tú has conseguido gorda-
Chachi -(gasp) Grosero. Estoy embrazada.
Margarita -¿Tú estás embrazada?-
Chachi -Sí. no sabia.-
Margarita -¿Quién es el padre?-
Chachi -no sé.-
Margarita -¿Como sucedió ésto?
Chache - ¡NO SÉ!-
Margarita -Bien, cuando tú sabes, vuélvete a decirme.-
Enscena #4/La Lucha/Nathan Stilwell
Int./En fuera /dia
Juan: Zack Dowd
Chachi: Alicia Armstrong
Alejandro: Nathan Stiwell
Descripcion visual de la escena
Juan y Alejandro van a la casa para hablar con Chachi.
Chachi (nerviosa): - Juan, Alejandro yo tengo algo que decirles-
Alejandro (Curioso):-¿Qué pasó?-
Chachi (preocupado):- Yo estoy embarazada-
Juan (Sorprendido):- Ay mi dios mío, ¿Quién es el padre?
Chachi:- Uhhh-
Alejandro(interrumpe):- ¿Quién es el padre Chachi?-
Chachi:- Yo no sé-
Juan (Ruidoso):- ¡Yo soy el padre!-
Alejandro(ferozamente):- ¡No, yo soy el padre!-
Ellos luchen
Chachi(Preocupado):- Se mi rompió-
Todos:- Ay dios mío-
Escena #5/El Padre/Jerrica Crosby
Int./La casa de Jerrica, en un cuarto/día
Chachi-Alicia Armstrong
Rosio-Jenna Brooks
Margarita-Jerrica Crosby
Alejandro- Nathan Stilwell
Juan-Zack Dowd
Descriptión visual de la escena:
Chachi está en la cama del hospital, con su bebé. El padre verdadero aperece.
Chachi (sorprendida)- Ay dios mío! Tuve un bebé!-
Rosio (emocionada)- Es tan lindo.-
Alejandro (confundido)- ¿Cómo?¡ese bebé no se parece a mí!-
Juan (enojado)-¡Yo tampoco!-
Treven (emocionado) -¡Es mí bebé!¡Yo soy el padre!-
Treven se va con el bebé.
Chachi (preocupada)-¡Llevó a mí bebé!-
Todos juntos-¡No importa!-Self reflection on our Telenovela
Telenovela Self-Reflection
            Our telenovela is a story of love and uncertainty.  Our telenovela has five characters, Alejandro (me), Chachi (Alicia), Juan (Zack), Rosio (Jenna), and Margarita (Jerrica).  The main characters are Alejandro, Chachi, and Juan.  In the story Chachi goes on a date with Juan, but she is not completely faithful.  Chachi ends up leaving the date secretly with Alejandro.  Then, the next morning Chachi wakes up pregnant and she is baffled about who the father is.  She is very scared and nervous.  Chachi has to tell her friend, Rosio, the whole story and Rosio makes Chachi tell her mom, Margarita, what happened.  Margarita is not too happy, but she gets over it.  Then, Chachi decides that she must let the two contestants know what is happening.  So, Chachi gathers Alejandro and Zack and tells them that she is pregnant.  Both men want to know who the father is immediately, so they ask a few timesand Chachi sort of beats around the bush and finally Alejandro demands to know.  Chachi finally spits out that she doesn’t know which one of them is the father.  The men start bickering about who the father is, and the arguing escalates into a full out brawl.  At the very end of the fight Chachi’s water breaks and they rush to the hospital.  Chachi has the baby and the baby does not look like either of the men.  Who is the real father?  The world may never know. 

The main conflict in the story is that nobody knows who the father is and it does get resolved in the very end of the story.  A third suspect comes into the scene and the baby looks just like him.  Trevan is the actual father and everyone is very shocked to here the news.  Chachi is just kind of like whatever at least we know now.  Everyone is just happy to be done with all of the drama and they live in peace.

            Everyone in our group had to write one of the five scenes.  To write the scene I went through a few steps to get the final product.  First, I thought of the outline of the scene, what was going to happen, who says what, and so on.  Then I wrote all of the lines out in English.  Next, I translated all of the English to Spanish.  When there were words or phrases I didn’t know I would look them up in the dictionary or use Google translate.  I chose to write the scene because I thought I could have the most fun coming up with a huge, climatic fight.  In this scene Chachi comes to the two men and tells them that she is pregnant.  The men demand to know who the father is and she tells them that she does not know.  They start arguing saying, “I’m the father.” “No, I’m the father.”  The bickering goes on for a few minutes until finally Alejandro throws a punch and they get into an all out brawl.  The men duke it out with many inanimate objects such as tables and chairs until finally the fight is interrupted by Chachi.  Chachi is screaming about how her water broke and that she must get to the hospital.  The scene ends with all of them getting into a car and driving off.

            If I was to assign a grade to myself for the scene I wrote it would be a “B” plus.  I would give myself a “B” plus because I think I did a pretty good job writing my scene.  I fell like I used fairly good Spanish and correct grammar.  I used the resources at my disposal to translate words from English to Spanish, and I translated all of the words and phrases correctly.  However, I would give myself a “B” plus instead of an “A” because I only put the dialogue on the script.  I did not really give many details on setting or actions.  These are things that would be visible in the actual telenovela, but of course you can not see them on the paper unless they are described vividly.  Also, I did not put as much dialogue as I could have.  I could have put more complex phrases in and made all of the characters speak more.  All in all, I would give myself a “B” plus on the script. 

            If I was to give a grade to the whole group for the whole project it would be a very low “A”.  I would give our group an “A” because I feel like we did very well on the project.  We came up with an interesting yet edgy story and chose a character for every person that fit their personality in real life, except for Alicia of course.  Our group always finished things on the deadlines and we always worked together to achieve the final project.  Although a few of our group members were gone more than a few times, we managed to pick each other up and pick up the slack from that person.  Plus, our group divided all of the work very evenly, there was seldom a time when somebody was not doing anything.  There was hardly a time when one person was doing more work than the rest of the group.  To sum things up, I would give our group a low “A” because of our efficiency, teamwork, and ideas.

A telenovela is a mock Spanish soap opera.  We divided into groups and wrote our own telenovela.  Our story is about a girl named Chachi that has a few to many boyfriends.  Chachi gets pregnant and she has no idea who the father is.  Our story is full of love and drama.  Here is the script.