Political Cartoon
Caricatura Política- Los Carteles de Droga
México tiene mucha corrupción. Muchos oficiales del gobierno aceptaban sobornos de los carteles de droga. La policía y otros oficiales protegían los carteles porque los carteles les daban dinero. La policía miraba al otro lado y los carteles pasaban de contrabando por el país. Esta creaba problemas por los Estados Unidos. Los carteles mataban mucha gente inocente en México y los Estados Unidos. Los carteles daban todos los mexicanos un nombre malo. La gente en los Estados Unidos pensaba que todos Mexicanos eran gente malos en los carteles. La mayoría de los mexicanos querían a trabajar y hacían dinero por sus familias en México.
· Droga- drug
· Cartel- cartel
· Soborno- Bribe
· Corrupción- corruption
· Corrupto- corrupt (personal)
· Corrompido- corrupt(group or regime)
· Pasar de contrabando- to smuggle contraband
· Matar- to kill
· Gobierno- government
· Causalidad- casuality
Grillo, Loan. "Mexican Drug War." Wikipedia. 12 May 2011. Web. 12 May 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Drug_War>.
Davidow, Ambassador Jeffrey. "Immigration, the United States and Mexico." Mexico News and Opinion. Web. 12 May 2011. <http://mexidata.info/id350.html>.
Ellingwood, Ken. "Mexico's Drug War - Stories, Photos, Videos - Mexico Under Siege - World News - Los Angeles Times." Databases, Lists, Maps, Rankings - Data Desk - Los Angeles Times. Web. 12 May 2011. <http://projects.latimes.com/mexico-drug-war/#/its-a-war>.
Las Fallas
Las Fallas is a large festival celebrated by many people in Spain, but specifically in Valencia, Spain. On March first of every year, the town of one million engulfs into three million for the festival. People come from all over the world, but mostly Spain and other parts of Europe. The festival showcases events appropriate for all ages and people, such as parades and fire ceremonies. The festival begins with the town being woken up be many firecrackers being lit all over the town. The festival ends with giant sculptures called ninots being set ablaze at midnight.
The quite city of Valencia is woken up on the first day of March with the sounds of fireworks echoing through the streets. The fireworks are just a way to get the festival rolling and get the town in the mood. The fireworks are set off constantly for about four days. One of the most significant events during the festival is the Ofrenda de Flores a la Virgen de los Desamparados. This literally means the offering of flowers to the virgin of the lady of the forsaken. The parade is decorated with many beautiful flowers and traditional costumes. Ladies dance around floats and village bands play whimsical music.
The most exciting part of the festival to most people is massive bond fire at midnight on El Dia de San Jose. This means the day of Saint Joseph. The people of the town prepare for this one night for months before. A lot of sculptures and artist make giant paper machete sculptures that are sometimes as big as about 60 feet called Ninots. Some of the sculptures cost as much as 70,000 dollars, and they are all set ablaze on one night. The flames launch up 80 feet in the air and most say it is not scary at all. The fire is a sign of festivity and joy and not death and destruction.
This tradition originated early in the 19th century. During the winter the men who worked needed more light to work by because the nights got dark early. They would burn things such as wood shavings and other scraps. So, when spring rolls around they would burn all of the Ninots because they did not need the light any more. Well, the tradition stuck and it now happens every year. However, now the sculptures are made for fun. The sculptures vary from vegetables and fruit to political figures. Most of it is made to be satirical humor and it is all in fun.
All around the world there are many festivals and traditions, but in my opinion Spain has a few of the best. Spain hosts the running of the bulls and La Tomatina. Both awesome, crazy festivals yet to most Spaniards they are all normal traditions like New Years to us. It just goes to show the differences in cultures like ours in America and those in Spain and Mexico. I think it is fun to learn more about rituals that other countries participate no matter how crazy they are. All in all, Las Fallas is a marvelous festival of tradition, culture, and fire.
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